
Boring venture

Boring venture SCIENTISTS from Britain and six other countries have 4 together in unprecedented venture to um the mysteries a world's past dim They will sail os world's largest and most techmi cally advanced scientific drill Ship Joides Resolution - to the Arctic and drill deep into the ocean kX carry out their research. The 0 Drilling Programme (ODP), cent round the research ship, is the d means to sample the rocks in the c depths. This year the investigate team in the Arctic will be engage in studying the causes and effect global climate and other environment changes created by the gigantic 9 tion events few million years affecting the North Pole seas and L These dramatic changes have left marks deep in the ocean floor which can only be traced by scientific drilling This expedition is an extension of the earlier research in 1993, when ODP drilled a borehole merely 570 Jim I from the North Pole.

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