
Smelling a rat!

one of the world's renowned feeding grounds for whales, dolphins and seals in New Zealand is under threat following a rat poison spill. The spill took place off Kaikoura town on South Island after a truck crashed on the coastal highway and a trailer carrying 18 tonnes of rat poison fell into the sea. "The poison may not immediately kill sea creatures as the poison has got diluted with water, but can pose a threat in the future,' said Paul Schoolderman, a public health protection officer.

Warnings have been issued to fishing vessels and cruise ships to avoid the region where the poison was spreading. Local fisherfolk have also been directed to take precautions such as not lifting lobster pots or nets in the area. Kaikoura is one of the few places in the world where whales can be seen feeding near the shore throughout the year. It is also home to large colonies of dolphins and seals.

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