

Radiation exposure
NATO's use of depleted uranium weapons in their airborne military action over Yugoslavia has not been ruled out. And if it is true, many people may soon be heading for hospital and medical centres. Exposure to depleted uranium during the Gulf War has been unofficially blamed for the rise in leukaemia cases. War victims say that nearly 600,00 soldiers were exposed to depleted uranium then. Know more about the affects of depleted uranium weapons at . Also, visit the American Gulf War Veterans Association's site at .

There is more about depleted uranium at . UK's National Radiological Protection Board refuses to comment on the use of radiological sources in weapons for national defence, it comments on the properties of depleted uranium. It says depleted uranium is a strong source of beta radiation.

For kid's only
The population of animals is on the decline. Soon the only way future generations may learn about the species that existed once may be through photographs and grandpa's stories. At , there are games and information about animals for toddlers.

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World of medicine
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