
Milking the African market

  • 27/02/2003

Milking the African market manufacturers of breast milk substitutes are grossly violating an international code while selling their products in West Africa. So says a study published in the British Medical Journal. The study has been conducted by Victor M Aguayo of Helen Keller Worldwide, a us-based research organisation; Jay S Ross from the Academy for Educational Development, usa; Souleyman Kanon of the International Baby Food Action Network, an association of 90 citizens' groups in over 150 countries; and Andre N Ouedraogo of the World Health Organization, Switzerland.

In 1982, the World Health Assembly adopted the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes. As per the code, manufacturers have to mention the following on the product labels: health benefits of breastfeeding, instructions for the appropriate preparation or storage of formula milk and a warning against the health hazards of inappropriate use.

The researchers examined whether the companies were complying with the code. The study was carried out in Togo (a country without a legislation regarding the marketing of the substitutes) and Burkina Faso (which has the regulation). Along with examining the products available in the regions, the researchers interviewed staff members of 43 health facilities and 66 sales outlets and distribution points, 186 health providers and 105 mothers.

Among other things, it was found that 40 products, including those of companies like Nestl

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