District Environment Plan of Karaikal district, Puducherry, 03/07/2021
District Environment Management Plan by Puducherry in OA No. 360 of 2018 in the matter of Shree Nath Sharma Vs Union of India & Others).
The matter related to the status of waste, air quality, water quality, sewage, industrial wastewater, mining, and noise pollution in Karaikal district, Puducherry. 100% collection of solid waste has been achieved and segregation of waste at source would be completed by all municipalities, panchayats by June 2022. By December 2022, work on a sanitary landfill would be completed and inert and non recyclable wastes which are being dumped in dumpsites would be dumped in the sanitary landfill.

The inventory of e-waste would be completed by the Puducherry Pollution Control Committee within a period of 1 year and the same includes for the identification and registering e-waste collection centres in association with producers.
An inventory of water bodies and sources of water pollution would be completed within 6 months by the Department of Science, Technology and Environment, according to the District Environment Plan of Puducherry, July 3, 2021.