Judgment of the National Green Tribunal regarding violation of environmental norms by Umang Dairies, Gajraula, district Amroha, Uttar Pradesh, 25/02/2022
Judgement of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Kapil Vs Central Pollution Control Board & Others dated 25/02/2022.
An application was filed in the NGT against M/s. Umang Dairies Limited, Hasanpur road, Gajraula, district Amroha, Uttar Pradesh for causing pollution and extracting groundwater and operating a dairy plant without obtaining any consent from concerned authorities.

The NGT directed Umang Dairies to pay Rs. 4,85,44,000/- as environmental compensation within one month to the CPCB. The amount of compensation shall be utilised for restoration of ground water, remediation of damage already caused to ground water, and remediation of damage to the environment. For this the NGT directed the constitution of a joint Committee comprising the CPCB, CGWA, UPPCB, UPGWD and District Collector, Amroha. The committee shall prepare restoration plan within 3 months, execute the same in next 6 months and submit compliance report to Registrar General, NGT immediately after expiry of above period.
The court also ordered a joint Committee of CPCB, CGWA and UPPCB to conduct survey in Uttar Pradesh and prepare data of various categories drawing ground water for commercial purposes, study impact assessment, suggest ways and modes to reduce ground water extraction in OCS areas, and how ground water level can be improved.