
Common cause

Ottawa resolution
All forms of asbestos should be banned in developed and developing countries
Canadian government must withdraw financial and political support to the asbestos industry
It should accept responsibility for the harm done to workers and communities in other countries where Canadian asbestos has been used.

London recommendations
All nations must clamp down on asbestos
A global tribunal should be set up to bring to book the asbestos industry and governments that licensed it, in cases where they are found guilty
Those suffering from asbestos-related diseases must be provided medical assistance and compensation expeditiously
Governments need to chart out a course to deal with asbestos in homes, schools, hospitals, etc.

Dresden declaration
The final objective should be to completely prohibit asbestos use
Member states must strive to eliminate asbestos and asbestos products from the economic cycle
The International Labour Organisation should provide assistance in drawing up national action programmes for the management, control and elimination of asbestos.

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