
The road to Rio+20: for a development-led green economy

The road to Rio+20: for a development-led green economy

UNCTAD has published this first in a series of volumes focusing on issues pertinent to "green" economic growth, in run-up to 2012 global conference on green economy, two decades after 1992 Rio "Earth Summit".


The UNCTAD has released the first of a series of publications aimed at provoking discussion, advancing new ideas and providing inspiration on sustainable development issues for the Rio 2012 Conference. This collection of essays discusses conceptual foundations and commentaries on the green economy, as well as critical issues in managing the transition towards a green economy, complemented with insights from Morocco's experience in integrating environmental issues into national strategies. The study is divided into four parts. Part one addresses the global context of Rio 2012 with essays on environmental crises, failed growth and the steady-state economy, and the Rio Agenda. Part two assesses possible downsides of a green economy for trade, investment and competitiveness and the relationship between green economy and sustainable development. Part three looks at various aspects of managing the transition towards a green economy, such as: peak oil and the necessary transition to regenerative agriculture; trade, finance and the green economy; and making climate change finance work for human development. Part four comprises a number of essays on the experience in the transition towards a green economy in Morocco.

 See Also

Report: Towards a green economy.
Report: Green economy and MDGs.
Report: Green growth, resources and resilience.
Report: Green economy.
Report: World investment report 2010.
Report: World energy outlook 2010.
Report: Green jobs
Report: Charting a new low-carbon route to development.
Feature: Accounting for natural resources & environmental sustainability

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