Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding diversion of Beas water for Sidhmukh Nohar Project, Rajasthan, 12/04/2019
Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of The State of Rajasthan Vs Union of India & Others dated 12/04/2019 regarding diversion of Beas water for Sidhmukh Nohar Project.
Some of the issues framed by the SC are the following:

1. Whether the State of Rajasthan is entitled to carry 0.17 MAF (Ex-Nangal) Beas diverted water through BML for Sidhmukh Nohar Project in accordance with various agreements between the partner states and Government of India including the agreement dated 31.12.1981 and the decision of the Union of India dated 15.01.1982?
2. Whether the capacity of BML has been restored to the extent capacity as mentioned in the Government of India order dated 15.01.1982?
3. Whether the State of Haryana has any obligation to carry Ravi-Beas Water in the 300 cusecs (0.17 MAF) capacity of BML, which already stands allocated to the State of Rajasthan by Government of India decision dated 15.01.1982 for carrying of 0.17 MAF of Beas Diverted Water?
The SC directs affidavits of evidence to be submitted within a period of three months.