Report on water bodies by Kerala, 18/05/2020
Kerala filed its action plan on restoration of water bodies in compliance of the National Green Tribunal order of February 25, 2020 in the matter of Lt. Col Sarvadaman Singh Oberoi Vs Union of India & Others to the Central Pollution Control Board. The NGT had sought information from all states and Union Territories on water bodies – its identification, protection and restoration.

41036 was the number of water bodies which were being maintained by Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), Department of Soil Survey and Soil Conservation, Directorate of urban affairs/Panchayats and Haritha Keralam Mission. 40,000 water bodies were identified by Irrigation Design and Research Board (IDRB) for which unique identification number has been marked.
Kerala State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB), with GIS specialization, marked the water bodies in all the 14 districts of Kerala. Field survey had been envisaged with the participation of all concerned departments to check whether they have been included in the already rejuvenated ponds/lakes by different departments. Proposal for constituting the field inspection team has been forwarded to the Government by KSPCB for approval. Expected time of completion would be December 31, 2020.
Note: The May 18, 2020 report was uploaded to the NGT site on June 3, 2020