
Report on fly ash generation at coal/lignite based thermal power stations and its utilization in the country for the year 2011-12 and 2012-13

Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has been monitoring since 1996 on behalf of Ministry of Power the fly ash generation and its utilization at coal/ lignite based thermal power stations in the country. Data on fly ash generation and utilization including modes of utilization is obtained from thermal power stations on half yearly as well as yearly basis. The data thus obtained is analyzed and a report bringing out the status of fly ash generation and its utilization in the country is prepared. The said report is submitted to Ministry of Power and Ministry of Environment and Forests for bringing out the information in the public domain so that users of fly ash can have access to the information on the availability of fly ash at different thermal power stations in the country, which would facilitate and promote the utilization of fly ash.