Pricing forest carbon
Pricing forest carbon and putting in place the means and channels to pay for it are necessary conditions to achieve the 2030 mitigation goals. Yet, after more than 15 years of discussion, payments for
Pricing forest carbon and putting in place the means and channels to pay for it are necessary conditions to achieve the 2030 mitigation goals. Yet, after more than 15 years of discussion, payments for
It all seemed too easy by half: to beat global warming just sprinkle some iron in the ocean, then watch as algae bloom en masse, sucking up carbon dioxide by the tonne. Now the idea is looking increasingly unlikely to go ahead in a big way. In the wake of a UN moratorium on the practice, the latest research suggests that seeding will trigger the build-up of an acid that can be lethal to marine organisms and humans.
The introduction of payments for environmental services (PES) offers an opportunity for traditional and indigenous populations to be compensated for contributing to carbon sequestration in meeting the challenge of ameliorating global warming. As one mechanism among several for promoting biodiversity conservation and sustainable development, pro-poor PES initiatives could eventually be incorporated into an international post-Koyoto framework to encourage reduced emissions from deforestation.
Millions Of Tonnes Buried By Norwegian Platform Sleipner Platform: With planet Earth engaged in a heated race against global warming, "carbon capture and storage' (CCS) has brought a ray of hope, and a Norwegian gas platform is leading the way. The Sleipner platform in the North Sea, a mammoth steel and cement structure, has successfully buried millions of tonnes of CO2 under the seabed for the past 12 years in a pioneering project.
We have heard all about Al Gore's inconvenient truths on climate change. Now comes an extremely convenient truth from his German counterpart. Social Democrat MP Hermann Scheer, who has been dubbed more revolutionary than Greenpeace, says the great unspoken truth is how painless it will be to convert the world to renewable energy, especially solar power. So much so that the Kyoto protocol is a waste of time that makes what is easy and cheap seem hard and expensive.
One way to combat global warming is by sequestering the carbon dioxide belched out by power stations, locking it away in buried vaults. A big problem, though, is that only about a tenth of the gas produced by burning fossil fuels is CO2. Most of the rest is nitrogen, which is not a greenhouse gas and would needlessly take up space in the vault. But separating the two gases can be a costly affair. Now a team led by Maciej Radosz at the University of Wyoming in Laramie say they have designed a cheap filter that could capture 90 per cent or more of the CO2 emitted by power stations.
Grind it down, pour in a sprinkle here and a dash there, and wait for results. That's the recipe for helping the oceans to absorb more of our carbon dioxide emissions: add limestone. It may not only help reduce global warming but could even reinvigorate ailing coral reefs.
Data laboriously extracted from an Antarctic ice core provide an unprecedented view of temperature, and levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane, over the past 800,000 years of Earth's history.
Unable to cut down on its coal usage, it seems that the West is looking to burry its co2 emissions underground. The British government, for example, has become zealous about the carbon capture and
Carbon capture and storage, as is evident from its appellation, has three stages. At the first stage, CO2 is separated from other components of emissions like water vapour, nitrous oxide and
The Forest Department will soon finalise the mechanism for making payments to farmers under the carbon credit scheme for raising forests on private and community land as part of the World Bank-funded Mid-Himalayan Watershed Development Project.